When do varicose veins become more than just a problem to look at? In many men and women, these veins are not direct problems related to health. Some people can live most of their life with them and never feel any type of problem or ache from them. For others, the pain can be very intense and can lead to the inability to walk well. However, for everyone with varicose veins, it is very important to pay attention to the symptoms and to know when there are medical risks present.
Knowing the Symptoms of Varicose Veins
Some symptoms of varicose veins should be looked at closely by your medical doctor or a varicose veins specialist to determine if there is a need for improvement. These symptoms include the following:
The veins are large and protruding from the skin, which leads to uncomfortable aching or swelling in the leg.
- There is swelling, often mild, that occurs in the legs, but most commonly in the ankles and the feet.
- You have heavy legs. Your legs may feel painful or as if they are always aching.
- Your legs may itch especially in the area surrounding the varicose vein.
- You have discoloration present in the area of the varicose vein.
If you have clusters of varicose veins, which means the area has become more knotted and harder looking, it is important to seek out medical care from a varicose vein doctor. In addition to this, if you notice significant discoloration of any portion of your leg especially below the area of the varicose vein, seek medical help. This may indicate that the area is not getting the amount of level of oxygen necessary and it can lead to difficulty in organ tissue health.
Most importantly, a blood clot can form in these areas and these can be life threatening. Any sudden pain from the area or lower should not be ignored. In fact, if you have any exterior signs of distress, such as a scratched, irritated, or bleeding exterior of your skin, seek out medical care for the condition.
There is good news. Most types of varicose veins can be treated and you may be able to restore your overall quality of life while also reducing these common health risks. When you schedule a consultation with our Manhattan, New York varicose vein doctor, you’ll get answers to all of your questions.
Call us at 212.993.6133 to schedule a consultation.